Admin in 百科 2024-03-28 12:17:58

英文全称是“Worldwide Developers Conference”。


WWDC为“苹果电脑全球研发者大会”(Apple Worldwide Developers Conference)的简称,每年定期由苹果电脑公司(Apple Computer)在美国加州举行。大会主要的目的是让苹果公司向研发者们展示最新的软件和技术。

在近几年的大会中,苹果公司通常会发表Mac OS X操作系统下一个版本的预览。参加大会的研发者人数约在2000至4200人之间。

1998年起,都由苹果电脑执行长(CEO)史提夫·贾伯斯(Steve Jobs)的简报揭开大会序幕,这个活动也被昵称为“史提夫简报”(Stevenotes)。

第一届的WWDC是于1983年在加州的蒙特瑞举行。1998年至2002年间,WWDC都是在5月中旬举办。2003年至2005年是在6月举行。在2006年WWDC移至8月,推测可能是为了要有更多的准备时间,以能在大会上展出下一代的操作系统Mac OS X v10.5“Leopard”,以及公开新英特尔(Intel)处理器的最佳时机。
来自48个国家约4200位的研发者参加了这次活动,也是历年来最大规模的WWDC大会。有140场研发研讨会和100场实验室(hands-on labs)活动。并且有超过1000名的苹果工程师参加了这次的活动。

在零售方面,发表的最新消息包括:已有超过1千7百万名顾客造访苹果官方商店(Appe Store),在上一季销售了1千3百万台麦金塔电脑,其中有50%都是首次接触麦金塔电脑的使用者。第三协力厂商软件在Apple Store的销售金额达到50亿美元。简报中也指出麦金塔电脑的销售成长速度已超过PC电脑,苹果的笔记型电脑市场占有率也提升了一倍(从6%至12%),这是因为发表了“Mac Book”机型的缘故。

如同各方预期,大会上也发表了用来取代PowerMac G5系列的专业工作站电脑“Mac Pro”。Mac Pro搭载了两颗英特尔(Intel)Xeon 双核心 2.0 GHz的处理器(Xeon又称“Woodcrest”)、1 GB的内存、160 GB硬盘,以及256MB的显卡。Xserve服务器也发表了更新,同样搭载双核心的Xeon处理器。

而苹果电脑下一代操作系统Mac OS X v10.5“Leopard”也在大会上发表了预览,包含完整支持64位元的应用程序、Time Machine(档案还原),内建Boot Camp、Front Row以及Phone Booth软件,并发表“Spaces”虚拟桌面功能、改进的Spotlight搜寻技术、Core Animation、辅助使用程序技术、Mail软件的强化、新的Dashboard功能,以及Dashcode和iChat的更新等。Leopard预计约在2007年春季上市。

WWDC 08 公布iPhone 3G 与 MobileME 在刚刚结束的 WWDC 08' 第一个半天的进程中,iPhone 3G 与 MobileME 正式在公布。虽然今天 Jobs 有些姗姗来迟,不过这并不影响大家的热情。首先开始的主题是 iPhone 2.0 固件、SDK / API、企业级应用和第三方开发的应用。其中包括 eBay、世嘉、6A 在内的第三方开发商都展示了自己的应用 Demo。在第一个进程的最后,MobileME 亮相了。

MobileME 是一个用来替代 .mac 服务的新服务,包含了存储( iDisk)、日历 / 邮件、同步等方面的应用,其中 ActiveSync 的应用相当强悍,可以在任意的客户端之间进行同步,包括 iPhone、Mac 电脑或者 PC,也可以跨平台,支持不同的操作系统的不同应用软件,其中便有微软的 Outlook。
MobileME 价格倒是变化不大,99 美元一年,HUNG 还有四个月的服务期限,可以先试试看这玩意儿,本来都打算不再续费的。 iPhone 用户升级了 2.0 版本固件之后,似乎可以免费试用 60 天。
iPhone 2.0 版本的固件则是预计于七月份上旬发布,其间还看见了之前诸多传言中的新功能,包括手写的中文支持。而 iPhone 应用的第三方开发者将可获得 70% 的收入。
当然,HUNG 最关心的还是 iPhone 3G,一个半小时之后,Jobs 重新回来,开始介绍这个下一代的 iPhone 了。

新的 iPhone 3G 看起来似乎要比上一代更薄一些,内置了 GPS,以及两个摄像头。iPhone 3G 将会有更好的电池续航能力,包括 300 小时待机,5 小时在 3G 网络环境下的通话时间,5 - 6 小时高速互联网浏览,7 小时观看视频,24 小时收听音乐。而 Jobs 也公布,新的 iPhone 将在数月内于 70 多个国家地区进行销售哦,其中就包括了中国在内。

定价方面,8GB 存储容量的 iPhone 3G 为 199 美元,16GB 的则为 299 美元。8GB 版本的 iPhone 3G 在一个月后即将正式发售。
上午的进程就在 11 点 50 分结束了,总体来说,此次的惊喜真的不算大,大部分之前的传言都一一实现了,而且会议进程也显得枯草,直到最后 iPhone 的广告居然放了好几遍来拖延时间。而会议其间 Apple 的股价呈下滑趋势。
下午的主题是下一代 Mac OS X 操作系统,10.6 的雪豹。HUNG 下午还有点事情,不知道能不能及时的在 Plurk 上进行图文直播。
不过只要有一点点时间的话,HUNG 都会尽量进行详细的直播。
上午的现场直播可以参看 HUNG 的 Plurk:plurk.com/user/hung,也请各位关注 WWDC 的朋友留意 HUNG 在 Plurk 的更新。
以下是官方随后发布的关于 iPhone 3G 的新闻稿:
SAN ANTONIO, June 9, 2008 - AT&T Inc. (NYSE:T) today announced it will be the exclusive U.S. provider of the new iPhone 3G, details of which were outlined earlier today at Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference in San Francisco.
Under the terms of a new agreement with Apple, AT&T remains the exclusive U.S. carrier of the new iPhone, which will be available beginning July 11 at a starting price of 9 with a two-year contract. iPhone 3G boasts several significant enhancements, including:
· 3G broadband wireless connectivity, which gives customers a home broadband-like speed experience when surfing the Internet, sharing files and using media-rich Web applications.
· Business-class capabilities, including e-mail, viewed on a large, touch-screen device and designed to meet the needs of companies of all sizes.
· The ability for developers, including AT&T, to create customized consumer and business applications using the Apple software developer's kit (SDK).
Customers can get more information on iPhone 3G at www.att.com/iphone.
AT&T expects that iPhone 3G's attractive pricing and rich set of features including business e-mail and other applications, combined with the broadband speeds of AT&T's 3G network, will spur significant subscriber and revenue growth - particularly in wireless data - and strengthen AT&T's wireless leadership and long-term growth profile.
"iPhone 3G will take mobile communications and computing to a whole new level by combining a terrific user interface with a great experience accessing the Internet and subscribers' favorite applications on our 3G wireless network at unsurpassed speeds," said Ralph de la Vega, president and chief executive officer of AT&T Mobility. "Combine our high-performance 3G broadband wireless network, the new iPhone's business-class capabilities and a starting price of 9, and I expect that we will continue to increase revenue per user and attract customers who spend the most on wireless. The device is built, and priced, to sell."
AT&T will sell iPhone 3G in more than 2,200 company-owned retail stores and kiosks, as well as through its direct business sales teams.
New Agreement With Apple Reflects Significant Growth Opportunity
The new agreement between Apple and AT&T eliminates the revenue-sharing model under which AT&T shared a portion of monthly service revenue with Apple. Under the revised agreement, which is consistent with traditional equipment manufacturer-carrier arrangements, there is no revenue sharing and both iPhone 3G models will be offered at attractive prices to broaden the market potential and accelerate subscriber volumes. The phones will be offered with a two-year contract and attractive data plans that are similar to those offered for other smartphones and PDAs. AT&T anticipates that these offers will drive increased sales volumes and revenues among high-quality, data-centric customers. Currently, less than 20 percent of AT&T's postpaid subscribers have integrated devices capable of voice, Web and data applications. Based on the company's experience, average monthly revenues per iPhone subscriber are nearly double the average of the company's overall subscriber base.
n With a two-year contract, the price of an 8GB iPhone 3G will be 9; the 16GB model will be priced at 9.
n Unlimited iPhone 3G data plans for consumers will be available for a month, in addition to voice plans starting at .99 a month.
n Unlimited 3G data plans for business users will be available for a month, in addition to a voice plan.
In the near term, AT&T anticipates that the new agreement will likely result in some pressure on margins and earnings, reflecting the costs of subsidized device pricing, which, in turn, is expected to drive increased subscriber volumes. The company anticipates potential dilution to earnings per share (EPS) from this initiative in the .10 to .12 range this year and next, with a 2008 adjusted consolidated operating income margin of approximately 24 percent and a full-year 2008 wireless OIBDA margin in the 39-40 percent range. As recurring revenue streams build without any further revenue sharing required, AT&T expects the initiative to turn accretive in 2010.
AT&T's 3G Wireless Network
iPhone 3G harnesses the power of AT&T's broad and powerful 3G mobile broadband network, which offers 3G mobile phones download speeds of up to 1.4 Mbps. AT&T's 3G network is currently available in 280 leading U.S. metropolitan areas; by year-end, the company plans to offer 3G service in nearly 350 metro areas. Following the recent turndown of its TDMA network, the company is further enhancing its 3G network, with improved coverage quality made available through reallocated 850 MHz spectrum.
AT&T's 3G network is the best positioned among American carriers to grow in line with customer demand, evolving to next-generation speeds incrementally during the next few years. Between 2005 and the end of 2008, AT&T will have invested more than billion in wireless network improvements and upgrades.
AT&T has the best global coverage of any provider, with voice-roaming available in more than 200 countries and data-roaming in more than 145 countries, including more 3G roaming than any other carrier.
In addition, the new iPhone 3G will operate in Wi-Fi mode through wireless modems in homes and offices, as well as public hot spots.
Marketing the iPhone to Businesses
iPhone 3G includes new business capabilities, including access to corporate e-mail and intranets, as well as the ability to certify mobile business applications to suit the needs of an array of industries, ranging from health care and real estate to higher education and financial services. Starting July 11, AT&T will begin marketing to its business customers, which includes all of the Fortune 1000. To prepare for the rollout, AT&T will be conducting extensive training among its thousands of enterprise and small business sales force and customer-support employees. AT&T is the world's leading provider of corporate wireless e-mail solutions.
"We're anticipating significant demand from companies of all sizes based on the feedback we've received from the many corporate customers who have already purchased the first-generation iPhone, as well as from companies waiting for the new iPhone's business applications," said Ron Spears, group president, AT&T Global Business Services. "Businesses will benefit from all of the iPhone's new features, as well as the ability to maximize productivity by using the combination of 3G broadband connectivity and customized applications."
Through its work over the years with the developer community, AT&T has developed a robust catalog of hundreds of enterprise applications (www.att.com/choice). AT&T will work with Apple, using the SDK process, to enable many of these applications, which today operate on other AT&T-powered wireless devices, to also work on the iPhone. The growth of mobile applications represents a huge opportunity for companies to improve productivity through reduced overhead expenses, access to real-time information and higher levels of speed and efficiency.
Unleashing Innovative Applications With the SDK
AT&T is working closely with Apple to roll out several new and innovative applications that take advantage of the iPhone's advanced capabilities. For example, AT&T is finalizing YELLOWPAGES.COM mobile for the iPhone, an innovative GPS-enabled application that combines local search with social networking capabilities, giving users the ability to search for information, share reviews and plan activities with friends, neighbors and co-workers. In addition, the company will work to certify many of its existing mobile applications for businesses, created in conjunction with third-party developers, for use on the iPhone.


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