copy file

Admin in 问答 2024-10-16 23:09:01

网络拷贝文件; 复制文件; 文件复制; 文件拷贝


Copy this file to common/ lib directory under the Tomcat root. 将这个文件复制到Tomcat根目录下的common/lib目录中。

Copy that file to a local directory and make the necessary database changes that I described earlier ( user name, password, and host). 将该文件复制到一个本地目录并进行我之前所描述的必要的数据库更改(用户名、密码和主机)。

There's a comment in the DirectoryWalker from last month that reads// else copy file. 上个月的DirectoryWalker中有一个注释,即读取//elsecopyfile。

To view the image copy the file to your htdocs directory within your Web-server file system, for viewing. 为了查看这个图像,把这个文件复制到Web服务器文件系统中的htdocs目录中。

Copy this file to the$ HOME/. distcc folder. 将该文件复制到$HOME/.distcc文件夹。

You can then copy the file over using whatever method is appropriate, for example, copy the file over with cp and NFS, or transfer to a remote system with FTP or SFTP. 然后,您可以使用合适的方法对该文件进行复制,例如,使用cp和NFS复制该文件,或使用FTP或SFTP将该文件传输到远程系统。

Copy the file for all languages that should be supported by adding the language-dependent file name. 通过添加与语言相关的文件名称,复制应该受支持的所有语言的文件。

You will need to copy the file in your workspace, ideally in the project you have created for this example. 你将需要复制你工作区中的文件,最好是你为这个例子创建的项目。

Like most databases, you can't just copy the file, because the copy might become corrupted. 像大多数数据库那样,您不能只复制文件,因为复制可能会损坏。

Function to copy one file to another. 函数将一个文件复制为另一个文件。

You must specify a unique path for the copy log file location. 必须为副本日志文件位置指定唯一的路径。

Use this command ( where source specifies the file to be copied and destination specifies the folder or file name for the new file) to copy a file. 使用此命令可复制文件。在命令语法中,source指定要复制的文件,destination指定新文件的文件夹名或文件名。

Then I click install locally, then I copy that file to my memory card and it shows up corrupt on the kit for some reason, am I missing a step? 然后我点击安装在本地,然后将该文件复制到我的记忆卡,显示了在某种原因套件腐败,我错过了一步?

Click upload file to open the upload file page, which is used to copy a file from the file system to a report server. 单击“上载文件”可打开“上载文件”页,使用该页可以将文件从文件系统复制到报表服务器。

The location of the copy log file is not on a fixed drive. 副本日志文件的位置不在硬盘驱动器上。

Cannot copy file, destination path is too long. 无法复制文件,目标路径太长。

Windows cannot copy this file or folder. windows不能复制此文件或文件夹。

You must manually copy the file to the output directory after setting to do not copy. 在设置为“不复制”后,您必须手动将文件复制到输出目录。

The copy file mode is useful for very rapid copying of large files. 复制文件模式对于快速复制大型文件很有用。

Recently I had to copy a file from my computer to my friends computer. 最近,我不得不从我的电脑复制文件到我的朋友的电脑。

Copy this file to the root directory of your memory card. 下载完成后把这个文件复制到你手机存储卡的根目录。

Would you copy the file to the floppy disk? 请你把这个文件复制到软盘上好吗?

If you make a mistake, copy the file back onto your site from the backed up files. 如果你出了什么错误,把备份文件复制回来。

If you use another machine you must copy this file. 如果您使用另一台计算机,就必须复制这个文件。

Vcd0037: failed to copy a file to the virtual directory. vcd0037:未能将文件复制到虚拟目录。

Method to copy a file, specifying a source file and the target directory. 方法并指定源文件和目标目录,可以复制文件。

We pass now to the copy of file. 我们通过现在要拷贝的文件。

You can't copy your file with this disc; it's full. 你不能用这张磁盘拷文件,这张盘满了。

B.The new chemical's vendor MSDS is to be sent to S& OH department who will then add it to the electronic MSDS database and master hard copy file. 新的化学试剂的MSDS须送交给安卫部,其将把该MSDS加入到MSDS电子资料库中并主管硬拷贝。

Copy from the radio again ( or just copy the file) name this file MERGE. 再从机器上拷贝一次(或只是拷贝备份文件)并命名为MERGE。


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